Saffron is believed to be a boon for the brain as well as the entire nervous system!
Product / Medicinal Uses
Since olden times , saffron has been regarded as highly beneficial for skin. Not only does it add glow to the skin and cure blemishes, it also acts as a blood purifier!
Product / Medicinal Use
Saffron is used as an active ingredient in ayurvedic safeguards for diseases of the central nervous system Rheumatic Arthritis!
Product / Medicinal Use

Saffron for Medicinal Use

A natural medicine, it has been used since time immemorial for its antibacterial and antiviral properties, and is excellent for treating stomach-ache, coughs and bronchitis.

Beside the fact that its physio-chemical properties level of crocine, picrocrocin, safranal, carotenoids and aldehydes are responsible for its stimulating properties. Saffron has other compounds too like vitamins and aromatic substances that improvises its medicinal properties. Over the decades since middle ages there had been scientific researches to verify saffron biological medicinal properties for its historical usage in cure and prevention of various diseases.

Distinguishing Features

Brain Tonic ~ Saffron is believed to be a boon for the brain as well as the entire nervous system.

Diuretic ~ Being diuretic, saffron tends to cause free passage of urine

Uterine Healer ~ Saffron tends to cause neutral contractions of the uterus. A number of Ayurvedic preparations containing saffron have been successfully used in treating women ailments like amenorrhoea , dysmenorrhoea and uterine infections. Saffron is also believed to be quite useful in difficult labour and as a uterine purifier after the childbirth.

Appetizer ~ It also aids in digestion by increasing the appetite. Saffron is also high in thiamin and riboflavin, minerals which are known to promote a healthy heart.

Cooling Agent ~ Saffron is the main ingredient of Thandai , the drink to cool off when the sun gives out scorching heat . Thandai comprises of almonds, fennel seeds, rose water , black peppers and saffron ground together and blended with sugar and chilled milk.

Regular usage of saffron is effective for Asthma and common colds.

Boon for the skin ~ Since olden times , saffron has been regarded as highly beneficial for skin. Not only does it add glow to the skin and cure blemishes, it also acts as a blood purifier.

As per Unani system of medicine, Saffron is considered as hot and dry. It is said to reduce inflammation. If soaked overnight in water and administered with honey it makes the patient suffering from urine trouble to pass the urine freely. Pounded with ghee, it is used in diabetes.

Iranian used saffron to treat respiratory infections and disorders such as coughs and common colds, smallpox, cancer, hypoxia, and asthma

For ancient Persians, saffron was also an aphrodisiac, a general-use antidote against poisoning, a digestive stimulant, and a tonic for dysentery and measles.

Saffron Effect On Reproductive System ~ 
Helps reproductive system in Men: Saffron regenerates the reproductive system in men.

Effect’s reproductive system in women ~ Saffron benefits in order to ease the catamenial flow and turns as an antispasmodic.

Useful on skin ~
Saffron beneficial in reducing dark colors ace and pimple and dark circles under eyes. It helps to gain fairness and glow of skin.

Useful for Digestive System ~ 
Saffron helps to increase hunger. It additionally lowers indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, and acidity.

Help full of our Central Nervous System ~
Saffron is used as an active ingredient in ayurvedic safeguards for diseases of the central nervous system

Rheumatic Arthritis ~ Saffron is very effective in arthritis.

Best for our Circulative system ~ 
Saffron is used as a cardiac tonic. Moreover, also used to treat diseases that result from vitiation of blood.

Boon for the skin
Cooling Agent
An Aphrodisiac
Useful for Digestive System
Best for Circulative system
Saffron's physio-chemical properties level of crocine, picrocrocin, safranal, carotenoids and aldehydes are responsible for its stimulating properties.
Saffron has other compounds too like vitamins and aromatic substances that improvises its medicinal properties.
According to Ayurveda, saffron is said to be Tridoshara i.e. it is a destroyer of aggravation in all the three body humors viz. air, heat, phlegm.


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